LIST OF HELD LECTURES (links to available PDF-presentations)
1. Plenary- Oskar Asvany (Germany), High-resolution spectroscopy of cation-helium complexes at low temperature
- Dimitri Batani (France), Current status of the laser fusion research and the shock ignition approach
- Jean-Paul Booth (France), A new look at oxygen plasmas - quantitative spectroscopy for rigorous testing of models
- Tony Donne(Germany), Challenges and Progress on the path towards Fusion Electricity
- Sibylle Günter (Germany), The two concepts of magnetic confinement: tokamak and stellarator
- Dragan Huterer (USA), Dark Matter and Dark Energy: Gases that Dominate the Universe
- Netzer Hagai (Israel), Following Supermassive Black Holes Over Cosmic Time
- Tőkési Károly (Hungary), Multiple electron scattering in atomic and surfaces collisions
- Nigel Mason (UK), New frontiers in Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Zoran Petrović (Serbia), Review talk on History and Importance of SPIG (dedicated to the 30th jubilee)
- Masaharu Shiratani (Japan), Materials Processing with Low Pressure Plasma: Present Issues and Possible Solutions
- K.-D. Weltmann (Germany), Physical Applications in Life Science
2. Topical invited
- Régis Bisson, Simulating plasma-wall interaction in fusion reactors with beam-surface experiments
- Sebastijan Brezinsek, Plasma-wall interaction in W7-X operating with graphite divertor
- Alicja Domaracka, Ion processing of astrophysical ices
- Andrew Gibson, Numerical simulation-based optimisation of plasma sources for medical applications
- Eric Giglio, Ion transport through insulating capillaries: Self-organized focusing revealed
- Mario Janda, The transient spark discharge driving circuit optimizations for enhanced NOx generation
- Daiji Kato, Compact electron beam ion trap for spectroscopy of multiple charged ions
- Nikša Krstulović, Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy as a Tool for Plasma Diagnostics
- Jovan Milošević, Quark gluon plasma in an early phase of the Universe and in the laboratory
- Masanori Nunami, Turbulence simulations for stellarator plasma transport
- Gregor Primc, Probing neutral oxygen atoms by laser-optic catalytic sensor
- Miloš Ranković, Electron collisions with dielectric gases considered as SF6 replacement
- Joël Rosato, Spectroscopic modeling for the investigation of magnetic fusion plasmas and stars with magnetic field
- Tiago Silva, A detailed reaction mechanism set for vibrational chemistry in CO2 plasmas
- Nikolay Shvetsov-Shilovskiy, Semiclassical two-step model for strong-field ionization: Further developments and applications
- Augusto Stancampiano, Plasma jets and multijets in contact with liquids in biomedical experiments: electro fluid dynamic and reactive species distribution
- Dmitry Voloshin, PIC MCC and fluid simulation of processing plasmas: collision radiative models and ion energy distribution functions
- Marie-Lise Dubernet, VAMDC – Results and Perspective
3. Progress Reports
- Kamran Akbari, Relativistic Theory of the Interaction of Two-Dimensional Materials with Moving Charged Particles
- Abeer Almodlej, The Modified Semi-Empirical Stark Broadening Method of Calculations: The Example of Alkali Like Ions
- Nikolai Bezuglov, Penning ionization processes involving cold Rydberg alkali metal atoms
- Aleksandra Ćiprijanović, Multi-messenger studies of cosmic ray acceleration in galaxy cluster accretion shocks
- Damir Devetak, Dissipative phenomena in QCD plasma state created in heavy ion collisions
- Suvasthika Indrajith, Effects of ionizing radiations on the reactivity inside clusters of linear hydrocarbons: polymerization vs. cyclization.
- Aliaksandra Kazak, The atmospheric pressure air plasma jets for innovative medical applications
- Anđelka Kovačević, Rise of LSST - Detection of oscillations in AGN emission light curves at different cosmological scales
- Ivan Krstić, Spectroscopic investigation of discharge and afterglow phase of microsecond pulsed glow discharge
- Jelena Marjanović, Breakdown and characteristics of non-equilibrium low-pressure DC discharges in vapours of liquids
- Dejan Miličević, Study of structural modifications in poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) induced by high-energy radiation
- Željko Mladenović, Atmospheric pressure helium plasma jet propagating in humid air - influence of water vapour on chemical composition and plasma parameters
- N. Ben Nessib, The Fully Relativistic Multi-Configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock Method
for Atomic Structure Calculations for Multiply Charged Ions: The Example
of Ca XV - Aleksandra Nina, Propagation of electromagnetic waves in perturbed lower ionospheric plasma
- Ramón L. Panadés-Barrueta, On the automatic computation of global (intermolecular) potential energy surfaces for quantum dynamical simulations
- Dragan M. Pavlović, Plasma channel evolution in the triggered lightning discharges
- Jasper Peschel, Dissociation dynamics of the diamondoid adamantane upon photoionization by XUV femtosecond pulses
- Jelena Petrović, The evolution of stellar interiors in massive binary systems
- Đorđe Savić, Modeling broad line polarization in active galactic nuclei
- Ana Silva, A reaction mechanism forvibrationally cold CO2 plasmas
- Ilija Simonović, Kinetic and fluid modelling of non-equilibrium transport of charged-particle swarms in neutral gases and nonpolar liquids
- Nikola Veselinović, Correlation analysis of solar wind parameters and secondary cosmic rays flux
- Luca Vialetto, Monte Carlo Flux modelling of electron kinetics in CO2
- Miroslava Vukčević, Soliton structures in different astrophysical systems
- Sanja Živković, Analytical capabilities of TEA CO2 laser based LIBS setup
4. Special Session: "Atomic Collisions in Plasmas" in honor of Ratko Janev
- Roberto Celiberto (Italy), Electron-molecule collisions in fusion plasmas: a long-standing collaboration with Professor Ratko Janev
- Tasko Grozdanov (Serbia), Dynamical adiabatic theory of atomic collisions
- Predrag Krstić (USA): Vibrationally resolved collisions of hydrogen ions and molecule
- Ronald McCarroll (France), Non Adiabatic Processes in atom (ion)-atom collisions.